Through partnerships we are able to strengthen our impact by bringing together diverse people, skills and resources in support of our mission.
Through partnerships we are able to strengthen our impact by bringing together diverse people, skills and resources in support of our mission.
Additional funding partners who have made our work possible (alphabetically):
10 x 10 | Aledal Foundation | AMP Foundation | Australian Communities Foundation | Caledonia Foundation | CPE Capital | City of Sydney Council | Cumberland Council | Danks Trust | Dooley's Lidcombe | Dusseldorp Forum | Flack Trust | | The Funding Network Australia | Gandel Philanthropy | Ian Potter Foundation | Impact Investment Discovery Grants | ING | Inner West Council | John T Reid Trust | Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation | Merchant Pricing Hub and Payments Consulting Network | Myer Foundation | Parramatta Council | Perpetual Trustees | Pratt Foundation | Providoor | Robertson Foundation | Scanlon Foundation | Sheargold Foundation |Sisters of Charity Foundation | Sky Foundation | Slingsby Foundation | StreetSmart Australia | Sydney Community Foundation | Sydney Women's Fund | Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation | Vodafone Hutchison | Women NSW
Our community training and employment progams regularly involve collaboration with aligned non-profits, training organisations and settlement services agencies. Some of the organisations we work with to deliver and recruit for our programs include:
Additional Community Partners (alphabetically):
Embroiders' Guild of NSW | STARTTS | Think + Do Tank | UNSW Design | Welcome Merchant
Thanks to the following people and organisations who have generously contributed their time and skills to The Social Outfit - we are so grateful for the support.
Atomic 212 | Atlassian | Johnson Winter & Slattery | Minter Ellisons | Peter Simon Phillips | Pinky (Nicole Thompson) | The Iconic | Weld Stories | Wendy Sharpe